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Planting the seeds of Positivity

Before I started listening to affirmations, I used to complain about being tired all the time. I didn’t even realize I was repeating the phrase “I’m so tired” over and over in my head like a mantra. Then one day I realized that saying I’m tired all the time wasn’t helping me feel rested! In fact, it actually made me feel more tired and incapable of handling things in my life. So I committed to stop saying it, and I replaced the thought with a vision of myself moving through my day with vibrant energy.

Now if I’m tired, I don’t make it worse by putting the “I’m so tired” mantra on repeat. I either go to sleep or if that isn’t an option, I think happy, energizing thoughts, put on an upbeat song, listen to my affirmations, jump around, or whatever I have to do to keep myself uplifted. The second I stopped complaining about being tired, I immediately felt more invigorated.

Most of us are already listening to affirmations all day long and we don’t even realize it. Unfortunately they are usually negative affirmations. Often, our minds are conditioned to worry, complain, and think negative, limiting thoughts over and over again.

Imagine you knew someone who constantly put you down or complained all the time. It’s likely you would stop being friends with that person, right? Often times, our inner dialogue is that negative friend – so unkind and obstructive that by listening to her, we subconsciously limit ourselves every day.

The good news is that when we listen to our positive affirmations, we are actively shifting our internal dialogue from mindless to mindful. We can transform our thoughts and mind into our own personal guide, mentor, cheerleader, coach, guru, and friend – one who is full of encouragement, inspiration, and love.

There are 24 hours in a day, 8,760 hours in a year and about 680,000 hours in an average lifetime. That’s assuming we live to be around 78 years old. Hopefully we get more time, but we might get less. We need to think about how we want to spend our precious moments so that we don’t waste them complaining or focusing on the negative.

Our thoughts affect our feelings and our feelings affect our behavior. If we want to change our behavior, then we have to begin with changing the quality of our thoughts. It really is that simple. If we want to be a fun, loving, happy person, then we need to commit to thinking happier, kinder, more positive thoughts.

We have to clean and care for our physical bodies on a regular basis, or we will deteriorate. (We brush our teeth and shower every day for a reason!) Consider that the same principle can be applied to our consciousness. When we listen to daily positive affirmations, we are showering our consciousness with positivity and freshening up our mind, guiding it towards a happier, more fulfilling life.

We have 1,440 minutes each day in which to make a difference in our own life and in the lives of the people we love. If we spend 15 minutes – that’s just one percent of our day – focusing on what we love and what we want to create, we will improve the quality of our day-to-day interactions.

It is never too late to make a positive change.

It is never too late to start creating a life we love.

It is never too late to evolve into the person we want to be.

It only takes a few minutes a day to plant the seeds of positivity, and the possibilities that can grow from this practice are endless.

Check out: for products and services that help you easily infuse more love, light , peace and positive thinking into your daily lives.

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